Monday, May 15, 2006

Over Worked

The past five months have taken their toll on me. The fault is purely my own. I took on too much work! Forty hours a week sounds like a normal workload for most, but to a contractor, that's 40 hours excluding breaks, meals, errands, distractions, travel, etc. It was too much. Add to that the stress of working with undocumented software and the pressure to produce a miracle and it leads to ulcers (or depression).

Well, one of those contracts is due to end at the end of June. I didn't accomplish as much as I'd like, but the contractor got what they asked for within risk parameters specified up front. I am happy to have proved the concept that I recommended to them. The Sakai framework can be used independently of it's custom portal and UI aggregation system. Sakai tools can be made to work in other UI environments. I'll be reporting on the (nominal) success of this approach at the upcoming conference in Vancouver.

So I'll be cutting back on my hours for the remainder of the year. Something in the 20 hours a week range would be good. That will allow me to explore some things of my own. Develop a new workshop that I plan on giving in the Fall. Contribute to Sakai purely as an independent developer. Etc.

I need some down time.

- Mark